energy assessment

Energy Assessments

Find hidden energy savings

Look no further than Valiant Energy Solutions for ways to reduce your carbon footprint without sacrificing comfort, convenience or style. Our residential energy assessments in conjunction with Energize Connecticut offer target opportunities for improving energy efficiency through simple upgrades and renewable energy solutions that suit any budget and lifestyle.



Is your home guilty of energy efficiency mistakes?

Homes may have a variety of issues when it comes to energy efficiency, as many were built before modern energy efficiency standards were established. Older windows and doors may not fit tightly or have no weatherstripping, which can allow air to leak in or out of the house. Homes may have outdated heating and cooling systems that are less efficient than modern systems.  Older homes may have appliances and lighting that are less energy-efficient than modern ones.

Energy efficiency assessments are your home’s checkup for any household looking to save money and go green. By having an energy assessment performed, you’re taking it one step further in becoming a more vigilant homeowner–no stone will be left unturned in the search for ways to conserve energy. It’s a giant leap forward when it comes to staying ahead of your bills and role-modeling responsible living.

With a comprehensive assessment, you’ll quickly learn what parts of your home could use improvement and how you can achieve the most savings with minimal effort. Home energy audits can reduce your home’s electricity usage by up to 35%. Find out your home’s energy efficiency score today.


reduction in energy costs expected for HOMEOWNERS WHO upgrade Insulation and explore air sealing

How energy assessments work

There’s an easy way to reduce your monthly heating and electric bills. Secure a total home energy assessment performed by Valiant Energy Solutions. The appointment is easy and the savings are real. In most cases, you’ll start saving right on the spot.  A blower door test is a specific test often used during an energy assessment to measure a home’s air tightness. During the test, a fan creates negative pressure to measure the amount of air that flows in through gaps or cracks.

During the home energy assessment, our certified technicians will:

  • Seal drafts and cracks
  • Check insulation
  • Test ductwork
  • Improve water usage

Once testing is done, we’ll help you maximize your home energy savings through future upgrades. We'll discuss things such as attic and basement insulation, high-efficiency heating and cooling systems and energy-efficient windows. Duct cleaning and Aeroseal services are low-cost enhancements to optimize your home's performance. We'll even help you take advantage of energy efficiency rebates, 0% financing, funding for income eligible families, plus financial incentives from federal and state governments. No-cost home energy assessments are available for income and non income eligible homeowners.

How energy assessments work

Save money and the planet

Looking to reduce your carbon footprint and live an eco-friendlier lifestyle? Valiant Energy Solutions can help. Our comprehensive home energy assessments and renewable energy solutions can help you lower your utility bills.

But that’s not all. Our energy-efficient upgrades can save you even more money in the long run. We take pride in providing homeowners with everything they need to live a more efficient lifestyle.

And if you’re in Connecticut and interested in our solar initiative, we’re a preferred partner for completing the energy assessment required to install solar panels on your home. As a highly ranked, authorized provider through Energize CT, you can trust us to help you take advantage of this exciting opportunity.